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About Us

In January 1988, a goup of professional African-American women met to discuss common concerns about the plight of children in our communities. A multitude of concerns were expressed including concerns over the alarming statistics of teenage pregnancy, high school dropout rates and the high rates of poor academic performance. Recognizing that the scope of these problems was formidable, but having a strong desire to be an active part of the solution, The Friends of Hampton Roads was created. The organization is committed to scholarship, encouragement of African- American youth to achieve their full potential, and to provide leadership, inspiration, and positive role models in our communities.

Our most recent scholarship award in 2023

Our first endeavor was fund raising for scholarship monies. The Friends of Hampton Roads, Inc. Annual Scholarship Ball was conceived as a vehicle to achieve this goal. The funds raised from the first scholarship ball netted $3,140 and allowed us to give a scholarship to a college-bound graduating high school senior. As money raised over the years has increased, we have been able to increase the number and dollar amount of scholarships given to high school students. In 2011 a scholarship in honor of Dr. Katherine Treherne was established; and is awarded to two (2) third year medical students at EVMS. With continued community support, we have been blessed with increase success awarding over $722,000 in scholarship monies, and grow an endowment fund.

In addition to the annual scholarship program, The Friends of Hampton Roads has actively addressed other areas of concern in our community. Career Day programs have been held for high school students and a yearlong Rites of Passage program was initiated for girls in 1993.  The organization has also worked with area adopt-a-school, tutoring, and abused women's programs and the Food Bank. The group has also been known to donate large food baskets to family in need of assistance during Thanksgiving and Christmas. In 1998, to celebrate our tenth anniversary, we donated $500 to ten organizatiions that specialized in abused women programs, as well as, youth and young adult programs. Other ways we have served the community include adopting a single parent family, reared by grandparents/guardians to assist them in fulfilling their Christmas wish list, and financing youths so that they could attend a six-week summer camp. Over 35 years, the organization has used various venues to raise funds for our

Annual Golf Tournament

scholarships and other philanthrophic community endeavors. For many years, the signature gala/ball served as a great fundraising event. The Kentucky Derby activity in May 2013 and 2014 was another way to successfully generate funds for our scholarships. Currently, the annual golf tournament, that started in 2022, is our main means of fundraising.


Friends of Hampton Roads, Inc. is proud of its members and their commitment to our youth. With the help and support of the community, we will continue to make a diifference for many years to come.

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